Been a little busy wit my exams!!

Thanx for the link rewenur.

Alright ellis... i suppose ur right. i guess i shud have used the term very very very very very very long time... But watever u guyz all get they point i am trying to express. (not bieng sarcastic)

I bileave life of a person cann never be peacefull... sure for a while or so but there r so many aspects of life tat we can only begin to understand. Bieng good is something i strongly bileave in. BUt what derives a person to do gud deeds... going against the natural impulse to do worng... is it nature or nurture/enviroment.

i think its nature!

ppl tend to mix many aspects togeather. sure it is gud to do tat sumtime, but when they mix other aspects into one ... doesent tis crude their jugement for a pefect result??? for example racism and discrimination... instead of juging peopl by the colour of their skins or their traditions... why couldnt they just treat everuyone like equal so a better world emerges... didnt everyone know how to make the world better even during the heavy period of racism and discrimination... then why didnt they stop??? Their are so many problems in the world, even now... cant we solve them if we dont implement any other aspects???

Last edited by Brilliance; 11/01/08 05:26 PM.