Ellis: "Personally I feel this post belongs in NQS"

This thread is one of those that are particularly susceptible to NQS content, so we may have to tolerate a little fantasy and metaphysics. Longevity, however, is now being widely researched, so it ought to be a worthy addition to the General Science Forum.

These two related articles are the most interesting I've read on the subject:


"They discovered that most of the long-lived men - those who eventually reached an average age of 98 years - had the same version of the FOXO3A gene.

What's more, the men with the long-lived version of the gene also had a lower prevalence of cancer and cardiovascular disease, high physical and intellectual abilities and reported better over-all health than those without the variation."


"The authors state that this finding is especially exciting because the FOXO family of proteins are closely related to the C. elegans protein, DAF-16, which has been shown to protect cells from oxidative stress, which could be a 'plausible mechanism of action for modification of human aging.'"

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once" - John Wheeler