I am not looking for sympathy from anyone over my weather conditions, and I don't believe the co2 emissions mankind puts out is fully responsible for any climate changes we may be experiencing. With that said I think it is possible that biofuels may actually help mankind reduce its output of co2 into the atmosphere. My reasoning may seem a little convoluted, but lately one of the practices that oil refineries have been performing here in America is to trap any co2 emissions coming from their smoke stacks and pressurize it into liquid form so it can be shipped to Canada to be pumped into the ground so that more oil can be extracted from there. The oil refineries are no longer looking at co2 emissions as a waste product they are trying to get rid of, but now co2 is an asset for them to sell. Now for the biofuels, I do not remember where I got this information from but I think I heard it on NPR, and I think it said that bio fuels may produce less co2 in the vehicles but it produces more co2 in the refining/distillation of the biofuels, so why not have the biofuel manufacturing plants trap their co2 emissions and sell them to oil fields so they can get more co2 from the ground? If the biofuel manufacturers can trap their co2 emissions, then why not have all of the manufacturers do the same which should greatly reduce the co2 footprint of mankind on the planet?