I wrote this last month:- (Upsetting someone? Since it was put in the'Not-Quite-Science forum')

"Before Bio-crops took over, people used to eat two bowls of grain per day, they are now only eating one. Not only that but food prices are rising world wide, the hoarding of rice and other grains by unscupulous dealers are affecting everyone. Noticed the price of bread and pasta lately?
Bio-fuel crops are a crime against humanity, in my opinion.
They also indirectly pollute the air with the extra vehicles they fuel.
Trying to keep the price of fuels down at the expense of the 3rd world is evil.
The U.N cant do any more than issue a token amount of free grain to the starving as it gets reported in the press. Publicity or guilt?
Selling ones body for a bowl of grain, and a dose of Aids, is the biggest crime of all. Money is no good to a starving person if there is no affordable food to buy.
This problem I'm writing about is not going to go away, until Bio-planting is banned, just you wait and see." http://www.scienceagogo.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=25676#Post25676

When I wrote the above, the price of Oil was $115.barrel.
Today its about $122.per barrel (having doubled over the past 12 months)
US pump prices are $4.00 and rising world wide.

With the coming of crop failures due to climatic floods, the price of basic foods
have risen up to 150%....so high, that there have been more food riots in Africa.
In North Korea people, are eating tree bark and grass just to stay alive.
Millions of people and children are undernourished as they cannot afford to buy their daily bowel of rice.
The earthquake disaster in China, has destroyed 5 million homes.
The floods in Myanmar (Burma) have been exacerbated by the seeming unwillingness of the their Goverment to allow relief workers in to treat water, or distribute rice.

Plus one of the biggest Oilfields in the World has just announced that it is running out of oil. Which if true may start sympathetic price rises on everything, everywhere....and that would include Propane and Methane as well.

Now its the 'United Nations' and its distributers, that are finding they are suddenly short of food to supply to the Worlds millions of needy and starving.
They have plenty of tents and materials, but are seeing a depletion of warehouse grain storage.
They are not helped by the finding that millions of acres world wide have been devoted to growing non food crops, only suitable for producing Bio-fuels.
Easy peasy money for the farmers, who dont have to sort out the crops for weeds, but just take their money.
This Bio-fuel acerage has got to be replaced to grow food for humans once again.

The 'World Food Summit' still ongoing at the present time, has not yet reached an
agreement on key policy disputes. mainly the need to review the cultivation of crops for Bio-fuels.
Biofuel critics stated yesterday, that it was morally reprehensible for us to develop Biofuels, when there were hungry people in the world. (My sentiments exactly) However South American Bio producers accused the critics of denying their farmers a new source of income. To date no agreement has been reached.

I find it interesting that the biggest Bio-growers of fuel, Brazil, Venezuelia and Mozambique are exporters of oil?

Let the Car manufactures suffer for a few years, until they develop a smaller more efficient engines. Prehaps based upon microdroplets of fuel plus water? They are rich Companys, who will not go out of business. As we will still continue to buy our vehicles, even if they are smaller and slower.

There is no easy answer to an infinite population increase, coupled with a finite supply of oil, but its time the UN woke up to put a stop to Goverments growing Fuel, instead of food. It will be cheaper for all of us eventually.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.