Keep in mind: I am RevLGK. I am using my son's, Turner, 'puter:
Responding to what I wrote--way back (I have since chaged things to suit the suggestion made by Ellis.)--TT says, "...this is a purely a rhetorical question, all of the replies to this question are totally based on experience; that which an unborn lacks."

Ellis, my question is not rhetorical. That is, it is not one where I imply that I have the answer. It is speculative. This means that I want individuals to answer the question, as individuals.

I like Ellis' suggestion: Let us presume that we are at the point of our current death. If I were to die to day, given the opportunity, would I choose to do live again?

I would, providing I were given the opportunity to build on the kind life--or lives--I have already had.

What about you?