Hi jjw, yes of corse, when you register a speed of a phenomena go faster then the light speed you may thing there is a mistake, an error of calculation, that's reasonable, but the best way of test this and use all best instruments is make this meditions for yourself and verify that, scientific method use the repeat meditions in all the cases, but if you or another people only make "afirmations" without a practical medition for show that you are not doing science, when you discover a phenomena violates in apparience a physical law you can think 2 things, or there is a mistake or that's right and the only way for verify that is with experimental method
The purpose of my posting here is show there is single phenomena propagates faster than light speed and any wants verify can do it for the single steps I give, who wants prove it for himself must do it, that's the idea and the science essence
There is many other phenomena propagates more faster than 470000 Km/seg this is only one
The equations a made reference are only for explain how at resonance the waves propagates following the earth circle, for explain why there is a speed faster than light you must think in scalar waves or magnetodielectric waves and calculate his speed in a certain media using the same formula you calculate the speed of a wave in a fluid media at pressure P and density ro, the formula is V = square root ( 2 * P / ro ) , for the vacuum space ro is definited and P you calculate for the Poyting Vector of the scalar wave as in function of (H^2 + E^2 ) for the electric and magnetic components and you can compute for longitudinal waves a speed faster too far faster than light, for ionosphere plasma the ro value is more grater than in vacuum and in consecuence a speed faster than light but no bigger
The filling of all this is that, all physical law is limited for conditions,if one of that conditions is not present that laws go breaks,many phd in physics has say that all physical law in the moment of be stablish creates inmediatly an anti-law, the equations of relativity you conclude light speed is not break is only for severeals conditions, one condition is that the space density must be uniform, but if that density is not constant that result is another and you can calculate more speed
This is single, only make meditions, this meditions has been made for some people I contact of many academic level and conclude the same
I use Km in way of miles because in my country the metrics is in Kilometers for lenght

