Well professor Patti, my memory of the Michelson and Morley experiment was from my freshman physics course 34 years ago. It was an important introduction to those wondering about the speed of light, and deserved mentioning. As to people not understanding GR and SR, read the early posts and the questions they asked. As for your understanding of GR and SR that was not questioned though you took offense when none was meant. GR and SR are very deep subjects as they require us to look at the universe in ways that seem a bit unnatural at first. I expect you have been studying it a bit longer and deeper than I.
But this thread was not meant to be a doctorial theses, it was meant to explain what is known and what is not known about the speed of light. To make it interesting, one can add in the things that seem strange (matter can travel faster than light, but only if you rig the race), and questions knowledgeable people still have about light. Think of the recent experiment where they froze light for a few seconds. This is what makes science interesting and leads to more scientists. Who would want to become a scientist if they knew they would have to face a tigeress like you every day? I am not trying to be a better scientist than you, I am just interested in science.
