dehammer wrote:
"you have proof that there are dark matter galaxies?"

No. I have proof that our galaxy contains dark matter. That the Andromeda galaxy contains dark matter. In fact that most galaxies contain dark matter.

dehammer wrote:
"If this is not the place for "what if" then where does that place exist."

This is certainly a place for speculation. But if you speculate something clearly proven to not be true ... expect someone to point it out: I did!

dehammer wrote:
"If the space is expanding, then the universe is finite."

No ... No ... and No. One does not follow from the other.

dehammer wrote:
"If the universe is moving into new space,"

I keep telling you this and you keep repeating it incorrectly. Is it intentional or do you truly have a learning disability. There is no new space and the universe is not moving into anything.

Please try to repeat this accurately. Please! If you don't understand it ask questions or use google but don't keep repeating it back incorrectly again and again and again.

If the universe was as simplistic as the mold you try to force it into we wouldn't need the likes of Einstein and Heisenberg to help us understand it.

Once and for all ... THERE ARE NO BOUNDARIES. No. There aren't. Get over it.

DA Morgan