dehammer here's an explanation of what I think Morgan is talking about in reference to the universe not expanding into anything via wikipedia :

"In the analogy, the two dimensions of the balloon do not expand "into" anything since the surface of the balloon admits infinite paths in all directions at all times. There is some possibility for confusion in this analogy since the balloon can be seen by an external observer to be expanding "into" the third dimension (in the radial direction), but this is not a feature of metric expansion, rather it is the result of the arbitrary choice of the balloon which happens to be a manifold embedded in a third dimension. This third dimension is not mathematically necessary for two-dimensional metric expansion to occur, and the ant that is confined to the surface of the balloon has no way of determining whether a third dimension exists or not. It may be useful to visualize a third dimension, but the fact of expansion does not theoretically require such a dimension to exist. This is why the question "what is the universe expanding into?" is poorly phrased. Metric expansion does not have to proceed "into" anything. The universe that we inhabit does expand and distances get larger, but that does not mean that there is a larger space into which it is expanding."

Not sure that I entirely grasp it though, can someone tell me what "surface of the balloon admits infinite paths in all directions at all times" means?