Originally posted by Eduardo:
Well you just keep walking and let me know when you get there.

I can only assume that the words 'non-Euclidean' mean nothing to you.
Sure, as soon a I can learn to walk on air, Ill show you the edge. Just because you cant walk to it does not mean it does not exist. I cant hold a photon, but that does not mean the photon does not exist. I cant touch a magnetic field, but that does not render it nonexistent.

edit:nice find, TwoSheds.

Really? Can you touch it? Measure its location? Take a photograph of it? Perhaps write your name on it?

Think harder.
Can you personally touch the moon? Can you measure the location of a photon? Can you photograph a magnetic field? Perhaps you can write your name on the wind?

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.