Aireal wrote:
"No theory of science, at this point in time, is able to explain the origins of the universe well enough to exclude God."

And you are an expert on astrophysics and quantum mechanics and are speaking to this as a subject matter expert? Where can I find you in the citation index? Or perhaps you are just a very well read person and can provide a citation to an article that says what you wrote above. Didn't think so. You are just trolling for god ... and that's good because he needs sales and marketing support given his track record of failure.

The truth is that science can, by using Boolean logic, exclude god. Simply put there is nothing in the entire universe that has proven beyond the ability of science to explain. There is no problem that existed 1000 years ago that has not been solved. Unless you expect instant satisfaction then history clearly demonstrates that within a few hundred years, at most, all currently known issues will similarly be resolved.

God is logically impossible. Who created god? Oh god has always existed. Who created the universe? Oh you can't say it too has always existed as that would be blasphemy.

DA Morgan