For this discussion I will play the adversaries part.

You think that Genesis is impossible, and I think that you think that, because you do not understand what you think you are reading. When the Bible recites that in ?the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth? that is not saying that it was created from nothing. If I tell you I made a chair would you think that I made it out of thin air ? nothing? There is nothing as deeply mysterious as you all seem to think. When the Bible recites that God created light and may later refer to the Sun that is intended to acknowledge that light existed before our Sun was created (the Universe with lots of light) and the Sun was created specifically for the Earth. Before you dump something you should try to interpret what is being offered. Actually, if you substitute Gravitation for God in Genesis you will do well until you get to the creation of life forms.

Some people read the Bible and revere every word as the word of God. It is clear that the Bible did not intend that result for if it was intended there was no need for God, The Lord and The Lord God as used through out the book. Words are very valuable assets to be used and understood for specific meanings and the Bible, somewhat like Shakespeare did in his time, was very careful with much of the wording. I spent many hours reading the bible in an effort to decipher some of the content that I felt had special meaning. This has nothing to do with the ?Bible Code? as more recently touted and it had/has nothing to do with any religious dependence the Bible was intended to satisfy. There are some basic life guidelines of merit and some horror stories as well.

I am in the desert now and do not have any of my notes on the Bible content that I felt was of interest. If I think of it I will bring some along here next time we make the round trip to the beach area.