Blacknad wrote:
"Because people enlist Christ on their side, time and time again, whilst they commit damnable acts does not have any impact whatsoever on the veracity or good sense of his teachings."

Wait a minute. If the teachings are ignored they are worthless. If the teachings have not noticeably changed the world for the better they are worthless.

Surely god, the creator of the universe is smart enough to figure out how to effectively communicate with us. Give me a cattle prod and I guarantee you I could communicate clearly and unambiguously with any person on the planet. Are you saying your god is less powerful than a cattle prod? It appears so.

Blacknad wrote:
"You would not allow me to damn atheism because of all of the secular wars that have been fought."

Sure I would: Go for it. But you'll not find any ordained atheists with degrees in atheism justifying the attrocities. Want to weigh the War of the Roses against Korea? Have at it.

Blacknad wrote:
"It is not contestable ? the message of Christianity is one of mercy and grace to all,"

I'll stipulate to that. Great. You've got a good message. Maybe even a great campaign slogan. Now walk outside and observe what those Christians are actually doing. Look at the reality.

The world is exactly the same as it would be if all of the Christians and their message became Jews, or Buddhists, or atheists, or Liberals, or Austrians.

Christianity is not the probem. It is equally not part of the solution. It is just an excuse for good people to do nothing and to absolve themselves of any sense of responsibility.

DA Morgan