not arguing or anything. just pointing something out.

the closest you are going to get is the british naval data and that is not much more than 200 to 300 years old. most of that is ignored since it was taken out at sea and only where the ships happened to be.

these records were also taken from the ships decks,
not at sea level and not of water temperature.

the wind speed would also need to be known to have more correct measurements due to the chill factor of wind as the instruments used were affected by wind chill factors.

apx 13,000 years ago durring the last ice age
there was a massive methane ice release that set in motion the end of that ice age.
there are large pocks in the ocean floor where these methane ice releases occured.

the methane warmed the earth and more methane was released warming the earth even more.
coastal populations were wipped out by the waters from the melting ice.
these cities or there remains have been found around the globe hundreds of feet below current sea level.

those methane releases wipped out most of the human population on the earth at that time.

currently the U.S. is literaly surrounded by large methane ice deposits whos methane release is vulnerable to sea temperature changes.

what we are about to undergo has probably occured over and over again , we can find evidence of this every where.

we can argue and fuss and get all bent out of shape about climate change and what caused it
or we can try to learn from what history we actually have and do something about it.

those who work together to accomplish a goal
can accomplish that goal easier and faster than those who only complain and fuss about the goal or they just end up creating a goal of only fussing and arguing.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.