show me a tree ring that shows day to day tempature changes and ill show you meteriologist that are interested in it. yes there are some meteorologic researchers looking at tree rings and even a few looking at ice cores. but most of those doing so are not meteorologis.

perhaps i should have said the vast majoity of them are not interested. the majority track the day to day weather patterns. the tree rings tell ppl what the growth patterns were like during that year's growth season. that tells them that it was very dry, wet, extreamly cold or not. it does not tell them the tempature of the days. it does not tell them if it rained on a specific day. these are the things most meteorologist are interested in. these are the things that meteorologist need for accuracy of forcast. these done exist in tree rings, nor in ice cores.

the only thing tree rings show is if there was a good growing season, or not. the tempature could have been great, but no water. or there could have been plenty of water, but the tempature was too low, or the skys could have been over cast much of the time. any of these would have cause a smaller than normal ring. they cant give you accurate climate data. only averages of good growth conditions or not.

in addition there are not many areas that have tree rings going back more than few years. there are some that can go back more than a thousand years, but there are not many areas with that kind of data. in terms of glaceral periods 1000 years is not that long ago. there is even one group of trees that go back as far as 4600 years, but they only tell you what it was like in that part of california. that still does not give accruate information on the climate beyound that time. in terms of glacerial period this is of no use since the last glacieral period ended 14000 years go.

the big problem with these is that none of them can tell you what happen before the ice age. meteorologist are not interested in that period (for the most part) because there is no data for it and because its useless in telling them what the weather is like during an ice age, or more specificly, what happens during an interglacerial period.

if you cant post without insulting ppl, dont post

you are still ignoreing the fact that the oceans have been rising for 20000 years, with the majority of it being done in the first half of that time frame. since man did not start burning off woods (when it was needed) until 8000 years ago (assuming that he did that much) he still did not cause the majority of the global warming in the last 20000 years. what is 200 years of acurate day to day information compaired to 20000 years of global warming.

show me the meteorologist that will give an explination of how man (who was a hunter gatherer at that time) was responsible for a 100 meter ocean rise between 20000 and 10000 years ago. not one of them can claim that industrialiazed nations caused that.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.