the point Ive tried to make several time is that there is evidence that its not man that is creating this situation. man may be contributing to it, but to claim that its all man made is rather as far off as these ppl claiming that man is not at all responsible. if your going to find the true answers you cant turn off one side just because they are being funded by your opponents, unless your willing to look at who is funding and why the reports from your side.

i have stated more than once that there was a problem with accepting any reports from anyone, because most of them are political in nature. than means that any data that does not support their political beliefs are either ignore or discarded and discounted.

at one point da accused me of being a political patsy (my term not his), but the reality is i don't have a political leaning. I'm as likely to vote democratic as republican, because to me their all thieves. its just a matter of trying to get the one that is the likely to do the least damage.

the same is true of my view of global warming. i don't hide my head in the sand and say its not happening, but neither do i ignore data that says its one thing or not one thing.

these ppl are a good example. da decrees them because one of them is a botanist. who better than a botanist would be able to understand what tree rings and remains from animals and trees could tell. one of their articles was about tree rings in japan that showed signs that the "Little Ice Age" that plagued Europe was world wide. another showed the same thing from American and south America. proponents of the "man is the only cause of global warming" are ignoring the fact that we are still coming out of that. they also ignore the fact that preceding it there was a period of warming that was much hotter than it is now.

those who claim that man is causing the seas to raise are ignoring the fact that 30 thousand years ago, the seas were a little bit higher than now, then dropped (about 20000 years ago) to 120 meters lower than it is now, then shot back up. even assuming that in the early days of agriculture, man burned a large portion of the forest, something that has not been proven, this would have taken place several thousand years after the largest part of the rise of the seas.

i will not, nor have i ever said that man is not partially reponsible for it. but its a matter of how much did we do, and could we really have done anything but slow it down, even if we had known a long time ago about it. as far as the earth is concerned there is little difference bewteen us and insects. niether of us really matter to what the earth is doing or going to do. (no im not saying that the earth is thinking, but a boulder will role down hill without thinking and water will find its own lvl without thinking, so doing something does not require thought.)

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.