Originally posted by DA Morgan:
dehammer wrote:
"the point is that there is evidence of meteorologist that done agree with you."

I know you are hard of thinking ... but a geologist is NOT a meteorologist. Neither is a botanist. Neither is someone whose degree is in agriculture. Where do you get your ideas? Certainly not from reading.
so the ppl that the run the site are not meteorologist. if you check on who writes the articles, and who does the research, you ll find some of them are.

also botanist would know more about tree rings.

And these people are NOT a source of serious information. They are paid shills for the energy industry. Do you understand the concept of paid lobbyists? Paid advocates? Prostituting ethics for money? Are you familiar with the concept?
do really believe they are any different than the ones that push the global warming scare. they refuse to see any thing that is not in their agenda as part of the cause of the problem. they refuse to see the sun as part of the cause, they refuse to accept that the fact that we are coming out of the "Little Ice Age" period (i put that into quotation so that you would see it as a full name instead of giving you ammunition to make yourself look foolish by breaking it down) and are heating up due to it. they refuse to see that the earth has been warmer in the last few millennium as that would mean that man and specifically Americans did not create it with their cars.

over the last few weeks Ive learned much, such as how the suns sunspots activities can create weather patterns that can cause ice ages. or that the El nino is millennium old and has been creating both short and long term weather patterns like the high temperatures of the last decade. Ive learned that the increase in the sunspot activities indicate that we will be having exceptional bad hurricane seasons.

Ive also did a lot of research on the theory of relativity, and all that is involved. mostly due to things said in this forum.

i have made a few mistakes, but i try to learn from them.

why don't you try to learn from some source other than the politically approved source you have. try reading something other than what proves what you already believe.

as far as a geologist not understanding how the changes in temperature and co2 and things are affecting things, who do you think would know more about things before the current ice age.

the earth has not always had ice. who would know this better than a geologist. a meteorologist? he only uses the data he gets to predict things like rain, wind, and related things for the near future. for that they required data that is not in ice cores, geological data, or tree rings.

as someone quote recently "its better to keep your mouth closed and have ppl think you are a fool, then to open it and remove all doubt.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.