here is something else to check out

"In conclusion, the totality of these several observations suggests that all of the hype surrounding the subject of a Gulf Stream shutdown due to a warming-induced increase in freshwater input to the Arctic Ocean is without a sound basis in either observation or theory."

let me guess, these are not real scientist either?

your original statement indicated that doctors were surprised that insects were moving into an area that had been too cold for them before. when i pointed out that we were in an interglacieral period and that was to be expected, you turned into a discussion on meteorology, which is mainly the study of weather, and its prediction. for the most part meteologist arent concerned with if we are in an interglacerial period or not. they mostly are concerned with how hot is it going to be tomorrow, or if its going to rain. tree rings cant help them there, nor can ice cores.

the meteorologist that are concerned with tree rings, will tell you that there is no indications that there is a change in global warming to that lvl.

other meteorologist have this to say

"In light of these several observations, we suggest that the slight global warming evident in the satellite record of the past quarter-century was simply a natural consequence of El Ni?o activity, which will likely subside somewhat as the non-CO2-induced Modern Warm Period (which we believe to be a product of earth's natural millennial-scale oscillation of climate) becomes more firmly entrenched at a slightly higher temperature commensurate with that of the Medieval Warm Period.

Sherwood, Keith and Craig Idso

PS: For more information pertinent to the warming that produced the Little Ice Age to Modern Warm Period transition, see Climate Oscillations (Millennial Variability) in our Subject Index. "

in otherwords the "global warming" is the result of mini ice age ending.

WHEN meteorologist look beyound the last century, they discover exactly what i said.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.