No.. I was simple rebuffing what I understood you to say that California and Europe have plenty of businesses.. nothing more, I also tried to convey as to why they have lost, and continue to loss jobs, when jobs are lost, there are families that are hurt by this, its more than numbers, California has screwed itself almost to death.

The state buildings that use solar have not saved the taxpayers in Ca. one cent, if you look at the cost per watt, those solar cells on average will take 18 - 22 YEARS to pay for themselves.. yet the average life of solar panels is only 11 to 15 years on average..

California did this in a effort to "lead the charge" and try to get people to buy solar, it didnt work even with all the tax incentives provided by Ca. to do so, the people did the math.. it dont pay to go solar the cost per watt is too high.

The laws I was in refernce too are laws that apply to private businesses, requirements for hiring, stupid things like, if your sales team decides to become transvestites, you cant fire them for it when they make sales calls for your company dressed like a woman, its INSANITY at its worst, asking a woman for a date while off work, but a in company uniform can get the he works for company sued for Sexual Harassment, paid maternity for the FATHER! HUH? how many examples need to be given for the simple reasons California is no longer economically viable for businesses, these things plus a great many more are counter productive to business..

I was not attacking you, sorry if you felt like I was, I save that stuff for Morgan, I was only expressing that I felt to be a error about California's and Western Europes economic status.

NEVER Underestimate the power of stupidity!