No, what is bankrupting us as a country is a war we never should have fought. Most cities and countries that implement renewable energy initiatives such as solar farms have a high cost outlay, but save quite a bit of money and make the cost outlay back in a few years.

How exactly does replanting trees, building windfarms, installing solar panels, finding ways to not pullute our own drinking water bankrupt us again?? Solar and windfarms are low upkeep products, planting trees only helps air quality as well as helps us provide for future homebuilding etc.

I fail to understand how even after all the proof of what horrible, shortsighted policies cost us, medical bills, water pulluted beyond repair and on and on are people still pulling the "it will bankrupt us card". California and Europe have some of the most stringent environmental laws yet their are still plenty of businesses there. Europe has done a wonderful job of incorporating renewable energy into their daily lives.