I did spend some time trying very hard to accommodate religious thought, but it always seemed to contradict what I really thought particularly when I was a child. I was surrounded by war ,and thoughts of war then, and I knew that if I were to have been an omnipotent god I would have stopped the fighting and sent everyone (including my dad) home.

I became aware that most people from both sides were in fact praying to god about war, and he/she/it was taking no notice at all.

From there I wondered about illness. why was one person dying and another was spared and so on. I think children worry a lot about these things, but we adults are not responsive to them. We tell children it is god's will etc 'Believing in a god can comfort many people, but if you never felt committed to the idea it is easy to accept that there really is no big god inspired plan.

We are here by some freak chance and we have done some wonderful things. There have been magnificent humans and some wonderful leaders with inspiring ideas regarding our lives and the most rewarding way to live them. The variety is astonishing. It's not all good, but we are still here, and every day has some element of happiness and reward. That is not enough for everyone, but it is for me. I see nothing wrong with contentment.