Hello again! Nothing spectacular happening, but the discussions went REALLY hard to follow for mere mortals, though I do drop in from time to time. and as you will see, I am interested in this topic.

I have had a NDE in which I did the floating and looking down thing, and then I drifted into an adjoining corridor/room where my hours old child was trying to get a grip on the rest of her life. I recollect a nurse saying that my baby would be OK because so had her eyes open and they were beautiful. I later confirmed that she was in an adjoining area. I was conscious of wanting to rest, but I knew I wanted to meet this little person more than anything else, and I battled back to where I lay, flat out to everything and everything hurting and lots of people. I did meet my child 3 days later,. she is now 46, and a lovely successful intelligent woman! And me, well I had 2 more healthy children!

Later, when I had recovered, and able to think again, I remarked to my husband that I had not thought to pray, or bargain to 'go back' or etc. It was then I realised that I really did not believe that I had entered any sort of afterlife. I was just very ill indeed, and possibly, without the motivation of my new child, I would have given in the the compulsion to rest, and I was aware that would have been final. I also realised that I REALLY didn't believe in a god, something I had always suspected!