If you are ready to listen to what is happening it is obvious there is a Doppler shift because of the speed differential and Paul got it correct

The most common situation this is encountered is on an RF communication transmission from a plane


All jets and airports have to have adjustments in their electronics to allow for the doppler shift of the planes movement relative to the tower.

The doppler shift occurs because the speed of light is constant the very thing you are trying to argue against laugh

The Doppler shift will create havoc when you introduce media unless you think very carefully about such setups.

So rather than disprove Einstein and special relativity your setup actual proves it right because if you gave me or Paul now the exact experimental setup we could tell you the exact result. You just don't understand enough science to work it all out smile

So => Einstein 1 .... Maciej Marosz 0

I would suggest in future rather than make outrageous claims and look very silly discuss thoughts and setups with people calmly and rationally. As discussed Special relativity is so embedded in all sorts of fields most of us just assume it is correct but we don't discourage people testing it. What we ask is you don't make outrageous claims unless you are 100% certain of your setup.

We had a case recently where some scientists claimed Special Relativity was wrong


The setup was also flawed .. basically they had your problem.

They were not sacked but what they did do was lose their credibility and confidence of peers so they resigned. It sounds harsh but everyone knows Special Relativity crosses so many fields that if you want to claim it wrong you need to double and triple check everything because it costs millions of dollars and a lot of scientists time to check these things. The cause of their error was so basic it should have been checked and so basically they failed as scientists.

Last edited by Orac; 10/08/13 01:35 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.