Michelson Morley experiment - everyone know famous zero

>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelson%

I made in home simple and similar test
(everyone can repeat in home

camera -- 10 mm Air -- Bulb ----> 30 km/s


camera -- 10 mm Air -- Bulb <---- - 30 km/s

In my test camera see brightness different ( bulb not have the same power ) we also can measure 220 km/s and 1,8 ...
we have proportional different

first test
> http://youtu.be/XF_npmQ8kGY

first pictures ( brightness - photoshop 10 histogram) west ( -30km/s ) and East (+30 km/s )
> http://youtu.be/O9k-zidfJZg

exist two Idea why

a) air not give the same resistance for light ( reason is 30 km/s and air athoms )

b) we have apparent distance shift ( it was target for MM test to show that light speed C is not absolute

My question : How to get Nobel Prize for my test ?
a) or b) = revolution in fundametal rights !!!

who decide about this what we have in books ( physics )
where are people responsible for education ( Michelson Morley made test and get Nobel for famous zero - I made simple test everyone can repeat in home and what ???...)