Originally Posted By: Paul
you almost make it sound like they would intentionally do testing that would deliver false results.

Well, there are a lot of times when the companies that are being watched over by the FDA still present medicines that are not adequately tested, but they present evidence that they have been. If companies that are being watched still do that sort of thing I don't think I would trust any body who was doing their own unsupervised testing. After all that is why we have an FDA, to try to keep people from selling snake oil with the claims that it is good for you. Before the FDA there were thousands of companies selling health products that were ineffective, if not down right harmful. Some people who are selling alternative medicines are still doing it. Notice that I said some. I'm sure that some alternative medicine vendors are doing an honest job of trying to help people. The ones that aren't are the ones that worry me. And they are why I don't have a lot of faith in alternative medicine. I have no way of sorting the good from the bad.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.