Originally Posted By: Orac
Ok I will post a link from Tommaso Doringo for those who haven't seen it

If this stands we have new physics ... something faster than the speed of light has been recorded for the first time.

[quote=Mike Kremer]

Interesting discussion, I have not been around to pass any comments until now.

Orac states: "something faster than the speed of light has been RECORDED for the first time"
RECORDED is the operative word and extremely important in this context.

Because, if I might suggest--- The infinitesimal possible speed comparison between 'superluminal' Neutrinos and light speed measurements...is so minute...that the difference has not been detected before. Nor has there has there been any particular reason to check the specific speed of Neutrinos against light, until now?.
Nothing is faster than light ...its our basic physical law of the Universe...Einsteins Mantra.

Fact...the speed of light is slowed, or will speed up again, dependant upon the medium thru which it travels.

Fact, all the mathematics to do with the speed of light...are still correct, even when you input the speed of light as FASTER.
In this case the maths then correctly states that nothing can go SLOWER than the speed of light!

Since light speed differs according to the medium thru which it travels, however,Einsteins equations hold good, whichever part of the Universe or distant nebulae we look at.
Because the ultimate constant, we would require, to make any true measurement (overturn Einstein) would be DISTANCE.
Super accurate distance measurement, an impossibility I think.
Since we can never measure any very long distances, (part or light years apart),with enough accuracy
to enable us to then state the certainty of different speeds of particles moving thru different mediums.

The Micheleson Morley type of experiments come to mind. (Im not using this as a basis, since it used light only, and not
Light AND Neutrinos along the same path, and coming from the same point)
I want to show how difficult it will be to make an absolute measurement of particle/light speed. Dare I say impossible?
Just think of how many times they have checked the Neutreno/Light Speed measurement between Cern in Switzerland
and the Lab in Rome, Italy.

I believe it was 500 or more times.....much of that checking the actual microscopic distance between the sending and receiving Lab instruments.
Even the heating of the Earth in sunlight, also the gravitational effect of the Moon will come into play, when one tries to measure the difference in SPEEDS of two Particles, a measurement that ultimately depends upon absolute distance.

Who is to say whether the speed of light is any different when its moving AGAINST, (upstream) a powerful source of light, or 'downstream' together (parallel) with the main source.
Or more to the point ...any other type of Particle, or Graviton, moving towards and/or against its source or visa versa?
Can you visulise the hyper-theoretical particle the Graviton moving towards or against its source...and visulise its speeds?
Prehaps thats a little extreme for you, try using other particles ..does it makes you think?
Accurate measurement dependant upon the longest distance possible, its an absolute requirement just to check for the POSSIBILITY of particle speed differences.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.