Originally Posted By: ABV

I made hypothesis about standalone natural phenomenon as rotational and translational motion.
I don't think effect is too small. I think, the main problem is simplification of physics calculation.

Maybe you haven't expressed it in the way you're thinking of it. But I don't think the hypothesis "The Rotational and Translational motion is standalone natural phenomenon." is testable. You should specify quantitatively what result of the experiment would support it, and what result would disprove it. That'll tell you how much accuracy is required. It may show that a home-made experiment is adequate, or it may show that a fancy vacuum-room experiment is still not enough.

However it sounds like you're not expecting any results to differ from the classical predictions. In that case no experiment can be of any use, other than to confirm the existing theory. But again, how accurately do you want to confirm it? If you get too accurate you'll run into relativistic or quantum effects which disprove the classical theory, so in a way you're forced to do it only roughly.

Last edited by kallog; 10/06/10 03:19 AM.