Isn't it fascinating the way this 'simple ' query has become so bogged within the various competing ideologies?

Surely the aim of science is to find out all about stuff!! With all due respect to the 'real' scientists who post here, I think that they would mostly agree that this simple wish to understand EVERYTHING is what motivated them when they asked why the sky is blue when they were a child, and it still motivates them now.

I 've suggested that civilisation runs parallel to science. I still think it does, but I also think it is a rare scientist, for example, who starts out an area of research with the end of discovering a substance that allows eggs to slide around the pan instead of sticking as a primary aim. It's much more likely that such a great innovation happened by chance, perhaps whilst exploring something different, like Space Travel. Certainly research into the nature of the atom took a drastic turn unanticipated by the scientists involved at the start.

So that's what I think is the aim of find out all about stuff! (Even if the stuff that is found out ha nothing to do with the original idea! )

TT-- He's/she's on to you!!!

"You're stealing this stuff from Shirley McClain aren't you."