Originally Posted By: Bizblogged3
The main aim of science is to sharing all the information which is reliable and here we can share many things in this science forum, and can any one explain in detail with this topic

The operative word is 'reliable', and a methodical approach - the scientific method - enables verification, to the limits of current knowledge, that the information is reliable. Information that is unverifiable in this way is considered to be non-scientific.

I would dispute your notion that the main aim of science is the sharing of such verifiable information. Even though contemporary science is dependent upon that sharing, especially (as Ellis indicated) in an already scientifically developed civilisation, the sharing is not an aim but rather a most effective way of achieving the aims, e.g:

RM: "...to find the set of rules by which everything operates."

TheFallible Fiend: "...to acquire natural laws to describe a natural universe."

redewenur: to enable "technological development..."

A brain storming session would no doubt produce a much longer list.

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once" - John Wheeler