Originally Posted By: paul

What Bulb is it that does so much GOOD its This Bulb !!

Just like ethanol will help with getting off of oil. And we are seeing how that is playing out.

remove parts of the carpet for clean up?


yet another one

and if they are not such a health risk why the CFL condom?

Just how many people are going to be aware of how to clean up after a breakage?

Just watch as that $5 light bulb turns into a $2000 clean up.

CLFs are not going to be recycled properly, they are going to end up in land fills, like they have been for the last 50 years.

Paul you should know there is a big differnce between a a dental filling, and Inhaling mercury vaper, I would hope.

Lead paint and Asbestos were considered a good idea at one time.

Imagine a CLF breaking, like your dog passing gas. it happend you inhaled, and damn its too late.

I can post links too.
Also did any of you consider this, With CLFs, the power companys are going to lose revenue, so that means power rates will go up.