Oh my WHAT? they are filled with mercury vapors? If you break one you need a Hazmat team to inspect the area for contamination!!!
Now by 2012 we have to use mercury vapor bulbs. So when do we start the law suits?

theres 100 times the amount of mercury in a single amalgam filling , if they do start the lawsuits , I think they would start suing the amalgam companies first wouldnt you?

have they been sued already?

or could it be that 100 times the amount of mercury inside a CFL bulb is considered to be safe inside of a persons mouth for the durration of his life?

One CFL contains a hundred times less mercury than is found in a single dental amalgam filling or old-style glass thermometer, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


fluorescent bulbs have been used for decades now , they are everywhere you go , just try and find a store that does not use them , and the long 4 , 6, 8 ,10 , 12 ft lights have mercury in them as well only more of it I expect , so why all the opposition to using them , they are already being used everywhere

According to a recent report by the Washington, D.C.-based Earth Policy Institute, a worldwide shift to CFLs would permit the closing of more than 270 coal-fired power plants. Switching to CFLs in the U.S. alone could save the energy output of 80 plants.

For environmentalists, the clincher is that by requiring less energy, CFLs will actually cut down on mercury pollution produced by coal burning, and EPA agrees.

"By using less electricity, CFLs help reduce mercury emissions from coal-burning power plants, which are the largest source of human-caused mercury emissions in the United States," said agency press officer Ernest Jones.


What Bulb is it that does so much GOOD its This Bulb !!


3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.