Originally Posted By: paul

well if I sold a product that was known to be hazardous to human health and I continued to sell that product after the fact
( knowlege of its harmfull results if used ), and I spread missinformation about that product to the public while others were trying to warn the public of the dangers of its use , would you think that I could be tried for spreading doubt
about the dangers of my product?

or would it be more realistic to think that I could be tried for selling that product to the public knowing of the harm its use would bring?

fact is the public has been warned over and over again , they really believe that fosil fuels are causing global warming , its just that they dont have a reasonable choice to choose from in order to stop hurting the environment / climate.

its like cigarette smokers , they dont have a choice to buy cheap low tar and nicotine cigarettes , the lowest tar and nicotine cigarettes are also the most expensive , just like the cleanest cars are the most expensive , if you want something that wont hurt you as much , then by golly your going to have to pay much more for it.

but cigarette companies , oil companies , auto manufacturers are in buisness to make money , not to help people quit using their products.


Ok Paul

The Green people, pushed congress with the money they have and Lobbyist's to get filament light bulbs replaced with, hmm what are they?
Green Eco friendly bulbs, energy saving light bulbs.

Oh my WHAT? they are filled with mercury vapors? If you break one you need a Hazmat team to inspect the area for contamination!!!
Now by 2012 we have to use mercury vapor bulbs. So when do we start the law suits?

Because I am not going to pay for a hazmat team to come and tell me if my home is safe to live in if a mercury bulb breaks in my house. Who will be held responsible for any mercury posioning that may happen to my self or my family?
I've already broken one bulb, WHO DO I SUE? (GE/NBC)

The planet has been gowing warming and cooling periods hmm since, well since Day 1. And mand kind is just a flea on the ass of the dog.
But I did hear if every one in China jumped at the same time that would cause the world to crack. Also did you know if ever one on the east cost
throws a rock in the Atlantic ocean at the same time they would cause an tsunami.

People choose to smoke, people choose to drive hybrid cars.

Global Warming is a Fact. nothing man can do can effect global climate except a nuclear war.

Earth is going to warm and cool. That is a fact. Even if every one ate beens and passed gas on the same night at the same time. it wouldn't caust a brush fire in Scotland.

ps, your going to die some day,
deal with it it is part of life,
hmm one could even say it is natural, kinda like the weather.

Last edited by JRW; 07/10/08 05:42 AM.