Originally Posted By: Canuck
samwise gamgee - I'm starting to wonder if you and Paul are the same people. You're starting to make the same level of sense.

Did I paraphrase your esteemed idol, oracle, pope, scientist Dr Hansen? Of course, I thought that would have been obvious. But since you were unable to put two and two together, I'll do it for you. Here's his quote
Originally Posted By: Hansen
CEOs of fossil energy companies know what they are doing and are aware of long-term consequences of continued business as usual. In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.
Why does Hansen think energy exec's should be put on trial? Because.....
Originally Posted By: Hansen
fossil companies choose to spread doubt about global warming
Do you now understand where the topic heading came from?
Hansen thinks certain people should be tried for high crimes against humanity, because they choose to spread doubt about GW. I'm presuming since he thinks they should be tried, he also thinks they are guilty - and should therefore be jailed.

Listen to his interview if you want to
It's around minute 45-46, you can listen to him stumble along when the interviewer asks him point blank about his suggested "trials"

Paul, thanks for the link on the hobbit stuff. I was wondering what gamgee meant.... I guess it's a compliment?

Originally Posted By: paul
I get 4 or 22

Thanks Paul, that was my best laugh of the day (it was kind of a slow day).

Sorry Canuck, but those quote marks had been bugging me for weeks!
On a forum where authoritative citations are important....

Originally Posted By: Canuck
Of course, I thought that would have been obvious.

Of course (after reading the article) your attention grabbing headline
was all too obvious as hyperbole.
Originally I thought your title (or headline) was referring to
ordinary folks who (through lack of education or access to
information) might be "non-believers." After reading the article, I
could see you meant the executives that Hansen had been talking about.

I wouldn't call them "non-believers" though, because they do believe.
I'm sure they check the science carefully, looking for good news.
I think Hansen's objection was to their active promotion in others, of apostacy.
But as Paul indicates, it's just that they want to protect their asses assets.

I also was sure I heard some sincerity (or was it actual seething), in
that vitriolic name-calling, when I read your original post.
It put me in mind of the quote,
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." - William Shakespeare (Hamlet)

...but of course, picking on the topic's title was (IMHO) a better
rhetorical device for highlighting that sort of ad hominem,
"attention grabbing" protestation.


p.s. I was searching for my comments on that "lame uiuc" graph, and ran across this from August 12, 2007:
"I will do my utmost to can the hyperbole, and general bad-attitude, when posting from now on." -Canuck
I'm sure there's been lots of improvement; but maybe there's still some room....


Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.