Originally Posted By: paul

here is what I wrote.

lets see suppose you were to relieve pressure under greenland , would this pressure relief tend to reduce the temperature of the earths magma?

Actually, Paul, no, that is not what you wrote.
This is what you wrote.
Originally Posted By: paul

also if the island is greenland then the ice that is melting is moving its mass from atop the island and thereby reducing the pressure to the bowl and cooling the water in the bowl at the same time.

If you're going to change your statement after the fact, at least be smart enough to go back and edit your post.
Regardless, no I don't believe if we lost all the ice on greenland, that it would cause a de-pressurization of the earth's magma, (or oceans for that matter) thereby reducing the temperature of the oceans. How do I know? The two things I mentioned in my previous post; 1)critical thought; and 2) logical thinking

Originally Posted By: paul

I dont even think you can comprehend what you read , when you actually do read.

this explains why you only post articles that others write.

you left yourself open to this one canuck !

Left myself open to what? You've altered your quote after my post, and you're accusing me of reading comprehension problems?
If you're going to change your quote to make it seem like you know what you're talking about, at least make it believable.

Originally Posted By: paul

since the below was an attempt to verify your inteligence or pump your ego up a bit , lets let the hot air out and verify your inteligence at the same time.

Sorry to disappoint paul, I don't laugh and poke fun of people who discuss topics intelligently on this forum. Although, I do, get a great laugh out of people who seriously put forth an idea, that is so absurd, even a minuscule amount of logic and critical thought would render it baseless.

yes I thought about what you wrote , it was absurd considering the basis of what you were writing about.
and I did get a big laugh out of your reply , and am still laughing as I write... thanks canuck.

Not sure what exactly the point of these paragraphs. Not sure how you've let the "hot air out". But hey, whatever works for you.
By the way, it's "intelligence" not "inteligence". Isn't irony grand?

Originally Posted By: paul

Oh, by the way, have you figured out how many fish would have to be taken out of the ocean to offset global ocean level rise due to glacier melt?

Uh ... hmmm ... the same volume of fish?

well if I have a fish tank and it will hold 1 cu ft of fish
and 9 cu ft of water or 10 cu ft of water and no fish.

and this explains why we haven't seen ocean levels rise right? Because of the removal of fish. If only the oceans held 10% of their volume as fish, or 1% or 0.1%, 0.01% or even 0.001%.

Originally Posted By: paul

Fools arent born they just become fools mainly because they listen to other fools.

Which fool did you listen to paul? How did listening to that fool make you lose all sense of scale, reality or logic?

In hopes to keep this forum civil, I will no longer be responding to you paul. I suggest that you do the same in return.