Originally Posted By: paul

also we dont live on the ocean floor , we live up here where the temperatures are rising.

The oceans are the key. They are heat reservoir for the planet. Tney contain 1000 times the stored energy of the planet. The land is irrelevant as far as understanding global warming is concerned. If you want to get serious about understanding the planet, you need to try and understand whats going on with the oceans. Why sea surface temperatures have risen yet average ocean temepratures haven't (even slightly cooled ?) ... and yet sea levels have risen - often touted as due to "thermal" expansion. If you can work that out, you will have solved the puzzle and maybe we will give you a Nobel prize. Until you have solved it, there isn't even much point in worrying because, as Canuck quotes "its back to the drawing board".

Stop worrying - go out and send some mosquito nets to Tanzania. At least you'll be doing something useful.