Originally Posted By: Max
How could last years melting of Greenland or the Arctic explain the cooling of the oceans that started in 2003?
Oh, now I understand the confusion around the "time travel" comment.
....But that level of melting didn't just start last year. It's been approaching that for over a decade now.

Originally Posted By: Canuk
People should take note.
Yes, people should note this shiningly normal example of science, incrementally progressing forward, having to re-examine every step along the way; and never getting it "right" on the first try, learning more from the unexpected results than from confirmation of the expected, etc., etc.

Originally Posted By: paul
thats 32 cu miles of water per year.
or 2,027,520 sq miles 1 inch high.
So that's some fraction of a millimeter (just from melting ice) globally, isn't it?

Paul, I hope you noticed my question about the "missing heat," posted just before your last post.

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.