~~ A reply to Uncle Al ~~

Great to have a response, even if it is critical! I am just getting this
web site going and feed back is valuable. Your first point is invaluable
to me.

To take your points in order:

Self-gravitating gas and dust clouds are, as far as I am aware, always
found in galaxy clusters, which are themselves rotating. The value of G
appropriate to the intergalactic space within a galaxy cluster will be
based on the rotation of the cluster. Hence, the gas and dust cloud does
not itself need to rotate for a value of G to apply. I thought my
wording covered this point, but your comments will make my argument much
stronger. I am changing the web site to read:

The theory predicts that the value of the gravitational constant G will
vary within any galaxy, especially at the outer edge of the galaxy, and
predicts that G will be zero in any intergalactic region of space which
is not part of a rotating galaxy cluster.

The value of G appropriate to the intergalactic region within a galaxy
cluster will depend on the rotation and mean density of the cluster.
Hence, the theory will predict that non-rotating gas and dust clouds may
exist in intergalactic space within a galaxy cluster, but may not exist
in intergalactic space external to a galaxy cluster. This prediction
appears to conform with observations.

To take all of your other points, generally, to start with:

I am proposing that G will vary within a galaxy, but G will only change
if the angular velocity and mean density of the region changes. This is
not a small scale and local effect, except for incremental increases in
the basic galactic value of G that may apply within spinning bodies.
These incremental increases in the galactic value for G are mentioned

In the standard Newtonian galaxy stability result I give in equation 4
of Paper 1, which assumes a universal, constant G, different regions
may have different angular velocities and different mean densities
provided the square of the former, divided by the latter, is constant.
Standard Newtonian theory allows for widely separated, particulate
bodies, and the variations in the mean density just mentioned.

Hence, with my proposed varying G, the value of G will still be sensibly
constant over any given (large) region of the galaxy. It is only at the
outer edges of the galaxy, where densities are low, that a larger value
of G will apply (and is needed to account for galactic stability). For
the whole of the solar system, which forms a minuscule part of the
galaxy, G will be constant. It is only internally to any spinning body
(such as the Earth) within the galaxy that the value of G might be
increased, over and above the galactic value, by an incremental amount.

Hence, for neutron stars, rotating binaries, and rotating gyro balls,
the value of G will be the galactic value appropriate to their local
region of the galaxy which, unless it is very near the edge of the
galaxy, will be substantially our terrestrial value of G.

General relativity, with a terrestrial value for G, will apply to the
whole of the solar system, and to the rest of the galaxy provided that,
for some extreme regions, the value of G for that region is used. No new
theory is needed for the perihelion precession of Mercury. This was all
covered in detail in my Foundations of Physics paper - volume 6, 143,

I made it clear that my Hertz antenna comments are only relevant to
pre-cursor transients. These transients are associated with the arrival
of the first few photons at the detector, and are not relevant to the
fastest transient signals used in digital communications or radar

I am grateful for the comments, especially those regarding intergalactic
gas clouds. I think I will get my Foundations of Physics paper scanned
and add it to the web site to save any confusion.

Lawrence Stephenson