DA-Children born as a result of IVF have the same beginning as all children, They are the result of the joining of a sperm and an egg.

Red- Damn right I'm concerned about the process, it's what makes procreation worthwhile.

This proposal, and that of cloning seems unecessary. I know people who want children have the opportunity now to have them, even in the face of infertility, but the process is not without its problems. We are too many on the planet already, and to me it seems an indulgence to thwart nature as we do. I have a reason for my attitude. As a result of my teaching career in Special Ed I have seem many lovely children with uncertain futures due to problems which sometimes have an origin in medical areas of treament or procedures. I cannot take the consolation that many of their parents do and state it is the will of god, I just feel we need to be sure not to add to their number by our pride in our achievements.