Two things are coming out:
1.Evolution has no direction ..or rather the next step is going to be a random one...
2.Life's only purpose is to propagate itself.

I dont think any of those conclusions are actually scientific(Life also has a brain at its disposal...thanks to humans)
The Next Step question still reamins a mystery because even if the Next step is random...we should be able to find the finite set of possible Outcomes with different probablities for a period(tomorrow,100yrs,10000yrs etc), in principle atleast.I think that we have enough data to start playing with it... but unfortunately my conclusion has been very discouraging to me because the initial condition is itself is very complex for any computing machine and therefore we may never be able to extract any useful informtaion about the future(say after 1000 yrs).
Given the kind of presence we have on this planet and the amount of reasearch we have done .. Hope we(or rather Life) does not end up with a scenario where she looses us!!

Idea that the Life's only purpose is to propagate itself... is sensible only upto some extent ...
Any uncontrolled population growth often results in conditions which can make the life vulnerable to various kinds of internal and even externam threats... for e.g India a highly populated country can not claim to have the ability to fight Aliens as of Now!!:-))
There are very limited resources ...and only if we decide to stop using our brains ,we would like to go on reproducing like rats when we are not.
Therefore Life's should not(and cannot) aim at indiscrimitnate population growth.
And the actual goal of Life (in my opinion )is to survive at any cost under any cirumstances..

As far Machines are considered... i dont think that they will ever be able to enslave us because as we work hard to manufacture them we will also evolve ...
but in what way that was my question ....