What are we going to evolve into , has been the much researched subject around the world...
I myslef have given ample time to it and have concluded that today the evolution process is aiming at reducing the stress level for the calculating machine called Brain...
For two reasons ... consider the evolution of Engines or Processors .. they have become faster and better and any previous 'difficult' load or situation can now be handled without any stress or with burden on the resources..
Example 3D games... ,... Now food hunting is not a tough job..
The problem or the stress appears when we create new difficult or unsolvable problems .. like creating a Trillion dollar empire ,having complete control over the planet , enjoying the pleasure of having all the females or solving the most complicated Mathematical problems with Deep Blue..or going to the nearest star (how ambitious we are:-)).... etc .. so the problem resurfaces and we are again given a new set of problems ....thus resulting into stress...but noticeably we have devised a new set of rules with respect to our status as species or technology..
In whole process look at the Brain ... it is just trying to solve the problem or reduce the stress but due environmenat factors or external influence we are ending up with a new set of problems...
In maze of event the desire of Brain's objective remnains one and same .. that is to accomplish more n more with minimum effort with its computing power....it allows itself to chnage the previously accepted laws of narture..
IS Evolution is all about creating new set of Problems to solve ...
However I disagree becuase objectively all problems are a farce if it can not give an extended lifespan for e.g Totoise or Corcodile...
If our species dies before the crocs then definetly crocs have more 'understandable' existence than any other species...
Whats the use if you are no more there to enjoy ..(even other animals know how to enjoy)

Therefore my assertion is that the sole objective of evolution is(or should be) to extend our lifespan and for that brain should be ready to change(devleop brain to help increase lifespan...)

In my opinion Evolution can not be modeled using any set of laws and the future prediction of evolution can never be made with good precision...just imagine that someone want to create a program (like weather forecast) to capture each and every detail of Environmental , Pshycological, External , Internal changes...
it is nearly impossible(i ma known to be an optimist or rather I am scared of being called a fools:-)))