True, evolution has no goal or purpose. It is a description of how factors act in conjunction with each other. That which is best suited to survive tends to survive best. This is a statement like one of Newtons laws of motion.

"Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it."


"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

Evolution is not a force, like electromagnetism or gravity. It has no mind, no intent, and no purpose. It is simply a rule governing certain forms of complex systems.

Change the system, and the direction of evolution changes. What is beneficial in one environment is harmful in another. Evolution has no moral standards, no agenda, and no direction. It simply is.

Given this, there is no next step in evolution. Evolution will procede blindly, without intent, supporting those who reproduce most effectively and eliminating those who fail to reproduce.