So would I though I personally I've no doubt there was a self-annointed trouble-maker by that name.

What I'd love to see come out is the most authoritative reference to the crucifixion, that in the Quran, in which it states that following custom of the time he bought his way out with money. Not a particularly god-like act. Faked the balance and escaped quite possibly to the Western Mediterranean.

DA Morgan

The good thing about the Romans, is that they kept records. Jesus sentence of death by Pontius Pilate actually exists. The guards who ran away from the cave where Jesus was buried testimony was recorded in the annals of the Romans and the Jews. All Jew know about Jesus, if you ask them they know about him but refuse to acknowledge Him like some people we know. I will post details of a book one can buy which was written over century ago, which was a comprehensive research into the scriptures and their authorship. This will rock what Morgan writes here. One of the chief aims of the wicked one is to deny that Jesus died for mankind. He and his agents have worked tirelessly to decieve mankind