Alright let me section off perspectives because I can't take one definite side, right now, I'm just throwing ideas out here. I don't know the answers.

The first perspective is the idea that there is no God of any kind. There is only what we can observe. Alright, in this case I believe the enlightened mind is someone who is kind and realizes they are interrelated with everyone and everything on earth and chooses to fascilitate harmony. And humanity has to evolve to this point. We as a whole are very unkind, now. Is it crazy, to hope that we will evolve into something better than what we are, now?


Ok, now a totaly seperate perspective a seperate discussion. Is there a seperate God. Where is the proof? You asked.
It is uncomprehensible to us. If it exists, it prefers to be anonymous. Why would it prefer to be anonymous? So we can learn through our experience of seperation from it in this reality.
A third perspective WE are an evolving God. Maybe God doesn't come all put together...It has to make itself. So we've got billions of pieces to resonate together. Awareness is seperated and instinctually workes in harmony...but when the self-aware "thinking" mind was added, all these "individuals" have to evolve into realizing that we, all together, are GOD...not a perfect GOD at this point. We have to evolve or die. If we die. GOD is suspended until another planet somewhere developes thinking creatures that get a shot at becoming something wonderful.


Hey, another perspective....Don't read this one DA...this one is for lurkers that may be interested.

We are an evolving God. But there is a portion of God that is fully perfected and just waits for all the individual pieces to come to the understanding that they, too are God. We are equal to everything that has awareness. Most people are walking around deluded that they are something other than the stuff of pure awareness because they spend too much time "thinking" about themselves.
The perfected parts of God work in reality through synchronicity, chance, intention, etc.
Humans continue to suffer because it is part of what we have to go through to give up the delusion of personal power and also to give up attachment. Attachment to other people, attachment to our own properties like health, skills, personality. When we give it all up and only recognize the power in interconnection and only identify ourselves with pure awareness or the identy we are when we aren't "thinking" then we are on our way to understanding who we are as a whole. And in reality is where we get to physically exist so we have to figure out how to live with each other and the environment or else we will always suffer. Parts of GOD are always suffering as long as anything suffers.
