It appears to be sarcasm but Justine appears to have taken at least two different sides here so I remain confused as to whether there is, or is not, an actual opinion. I was as sure she was a Unitarian Universalist from what she wrote as I am now convinced, or perhaps unconvinced that she is a "Pantheist or Panentheist" whatever that actual is intended to convey.

One thing for sure no matter the label. Humans can either believe in reality or fantasy just as they can either deal with reality or try to push it away with alcohol, marijuana, or heroin. From the number of people addicted to religion and alcohol it would appear that most people live lives of pain, insecurity, and fear.

I'd no more take away their churches than I would become a prohibitionist. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't point out hypocrisy when it rears its ugly head. Do what you wish but don't try to label it social drinking.

DA Morgan