Tag Archives | peptide


Frog Gunk Blocks HIV

Researchers from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center believe a small tropical frog could be a potent weapon in the war against HIV. Their report, in the Journal of Virology, indicates that compounds secreted by frog skin are potent blockers of HIV infection. “Amphibian skin has long been favored in folklore for its medicinal properties,” said […]

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Brain Contains Cocaine-Like Chemical

Dr. Michael Kuhar and a team of neuroscientists at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center of Emory University have found that a naturally occurring neurotransmitter produces behaviors associated with cocaine and methamphetamine. The finding suggests a role for the brain chemical, called CART (Cocaine- and Amphetamine-Regulated Transcript) peptide, in modulating or mediating the actions of […]

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