Tag Archives | birth


Mindless copying a good evolutionary strategy

Comparing the evolutionary success of blindly copying your parents’ lifestyle choices with that of innovative, informed lifestyle adaptations, researchers found that mindlessly copying what your parents did was usually the best strategy for the long-term success of your genes. The researchers, from the University of Exeter and University of Bristol, published their findings inEcology Letters. […]

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Antioxidants causing fertility problems

Antioxidants are a popular dietary supplement but we still don’t have a complete understanding of how they act in our bodies. Now, new research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences warns about a possible unexpected side effect of antioxidants: they may cause fertility problems in females. Common antioxidants include vitamins C and […]

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Season of conception linked to birth defect risk

Birth defect rates in the United States are highest for women conceiving in the spring and summer – the time when pesticide levels in surface water across the country reach their peak. Writing in the medical journal Acta P�diatrica, the researchers explain how they reached their conclusions by analyzing all 30.1 million births that occurred […]

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Birth defects linked to obesity during pregnancy

Women who are obese during pregnancy are putting their child at risk of birth defects such as spina bifida, heart defects, cleft palate, brain defects and gastrointestinal defects, according to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. To assess the relationship between maternal overweight and obesity and the risk of congenital […]

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