Originally Posted By: paul
so you should go back to the problem you worked out
and replace the 3*0=0 with 3*0=3 because that is
how you think things should be.

Paul I really don't mind what you think so please at least have the courtesy to not misquote or misrepresent me.

I understand you, beg to differ how this all works but at the end of the day mathematicians want to pull rank on both us. It is their field and I am not positioned to argue.

Originally Posted By: paul
but Im not going to tell you the answer Im going to let the dumber than dirt smuck go off believing whatever he wants

Touche so lets leave it at that it isn't worth getting upset over. We will never agree but I do get that you think all mathematics and science is fake.

That said, do you really need to post a full diatribe of that in every response to me ... I understood it the first thousand times you posted it. It's just becoming like spam now. Feel free to express a different view but just leave out the maths and science is evil/bad sob sob stuff. I have put it on my tagline to save you the effort.

I don't need the motive for your argument just what your view and argument is, like everything it comes down to how you want to look at things. So argue certainly but we don't need to know what you think of science/maths repeatedly.

Last edited by Orac; 02/06/16 05:26 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.