Originally Posted By: Orac
Not much of a mathematical Luddite let me rewrite the problem for you to make whats wrong with his answer clearer

x^0 = y^0
y^0 = x^0

Is x < y or is y < x ?????

Given x and y are representing time that is what we are checking is reversible.

Just to de-confuse the issue: I was referring to myself as a mathematical Luddite. Also, I was not necessarily regarding x and y as times.

The line of reasoning went like this:

If x^0 = 1 and y^0 = 1, then neither equation can be worked in reverse, because, starting with “1”, there would be no way of knowing if one should arrive at x or y.

Thus I reasoned that neither equation (nor any n^0) would work if time were reversed.

I progressed to asking myself what it was that caused this apparent time asymmetry. The answer seemed to be non-conservation of the information: did we start from x or y?

There never was nothing.