Well, now you have me completely bumfoozled. First you are saying that our bowling ball on a rubber sheet analogy for GR is incomplete because we don't include QM, now you say that QM is bad for some strange reason.

String Theory is probably going away some day just because nobody can make it give us any kind of a good match to what we see around us.

The bowling ball on a rubber sheet is the widely used analogy for GR as I said in the first paragraph above. That was part of Bill S' question at the start of the thread. So I don't see why you think I need to explain it to you again. It is after all what we started off talking about.

You still haven't answered my question about what dark energy has to do with the bowling ball. As far as I know dark energy wouldn't apply to the static case of the bowling ball. Dark energy would apply to dynamic systems, such as the universe. The bowling ball analogy is just a way for people to visualize the warping of space by a mass.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.