Originally Posted By: Orac
So the standard GR version basically has at the bottom of it the concept of dark energy (this is the hole that Bill and Rede fell down), you can't believe in GR but not in dark energy they are joined at the hip

We weren't discussing the implementation of GR. We were discussing the analogy of a bowling ball on an elastic sheet. We never got any place close to dark energy, just the one simple analogy and how it worked. The only hole I fell down was the one created by the ball. And of course your farfetched claims about what I am saying.

Originally Posted By: Orac
Why the cost exists involves a bit of hand waving and saying that is just the way it is.

That's what all science is. All science, including QM basically is a description of "how it is". It doesn't tell us anything about why. Planck in particular wasn't trying to invent a whole new branch of physics. He was just making up something that made it work. I don't think he even really believed in it as anything other than a gimmick.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.